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Thursday, June 14, 2007
@2:09 AM

Aha! My house's kitchen is done, and it's wonderfully new and bright. Here are the pics i promised.

the new kitchen without the glass blocks on the left.

new stove new hood, extended table.

new clean and fresh toilet. lovely.

new showerhead and tiles.(oops i forgot to snap the tiles- lazy~)

@1:51 AM

HEY! You know what? I'm super-duper bored tonight. As of now till i'm feeling less bored, I shall type some reflections I realised recently. And I'll attempt at producing it in good English.

Here's one reflection I've thought about earlier today. I was thinking, it is actually quite terrifying to approach old age, mainly because you start to see your good friends disappear one by one. It is absolutely heart-wrenching to say goodbye to a friend you have known for decades, I really can't imagine how a senior feels when one leaves them. It must probably be too painful to bear, and because years of experience has strengthened them, they would know better but to prepare themselves for the worst.

Sometimes, I contemplate my future to be painful and full of stubbles. But I guess that by then, I'll be strong! And I'll be able to face up to life's challenges.

And I'm still way too young.

Saturday, June 9, 2007
@5:22 PM

i'm back! exams are over! even though i didn't go for the last paper.. oh well. retest here i come! haha..

the kitchen is done! as in totally done. it's kinda scary to realise how fast 2 weeks flew by. gives me the creeps, cos before i noe it, finals will be here.

my dad's new car has also finally arrived! all in the span of 2 weeks, seems like my life changed alot. but actually, im just thinking too much. heh.

been quite a while since i went skating, wonder if i can skate still.. NIC follow me go skate alrite? haha.. sadly holidays only last a couple of weeks. seems to short to do anything productive.

I'm heading out to have dinner in 10 mins or so. Wonder wad we'll be eating, not really hungry though. My sis and I had KFC for lunch, we decided to try the new miso flavour, it's not really that fantastic, i'd rather stick to the traditional crispy chicken. Oh and when ur free do check out the KFC USA website. the food there looks more heavenly than anywhere else on earth.

and i saw a trend in my typing. when it comes to food, the paragraph doubles the length of others.. heh.. =\

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
@4:23 PM

hello one again. exams now.. therefore i am terribly busy/lazy/tired to post. ahhaa
i'll be back again after this weekend.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
@10:50 AM

right now i'm in school. in programming prac class. so terribly boring.

luckily i end school at 1 pm so i'll most prob head home and rest for awhile,then maybe i'll study(?) ahaha..

at this present time frame all i wana do is stuff mt face in a pillow. and fall asleep. i'm so sleepy, but yet, there are many things on my mind. things that make me wonder if i'm doing the right things. things that sometimes nauseate me.

haha oh well. i guess that's life in general. =P

Sunday, May 27, 2007
@1:34 PM

it's a bright sunny day~

last nite was super tiring. the aircon ppl came to install etc etc.. then after they left which was about 8pm I helped to vacuum and mop the whole house. so the floor is no longer sandy.

but i had a great nite's rest. thanks to the new aircon! heh. i haven't gone for mass yet, and i'm kinda lazy to go, but i guess my parents would force me to go ahaha. oh well..

i'm hungry..

and the common tests are round the corner. i figure it's time to start studying. as in really start. about a week left only. damn.

i'm going off to have lunch now. tata.

Thursday, May 24, 2007
@10:24 AM

in math tutorial now!
and i'm gona have a quiz in 15mins, or less. the wonderful thing is, i duno anything bout this topic. hah. oh well, hope i can pull thru this.

there's skating today after school, and after school seems so far away. at 12pm i've got a 3 hour break. NO IDEA what i'm gona do in the free time. Hope my dad is free for lunch. heh, den can leave my laptop in his car, so i don't have to lug it all around. my bag is heavy enough.

(pause- taking down notes)

blablabla differentiation blabla.. implicit blaBLA!

being at home now is such a pain. everytime i wana leave my room, i have to put on a pair of slippers to walk along the hall, all because of the current renovation. but i have to admit that the new kitchen and toilet tiles look great. really refreshing, compared to the old tiles. i'll post pics again in a few days.

AH math test! sux. (goodbye world- this quiz is gona kill me.)

This Is Me..

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thailand police.(loser~)





May 2007
June 2007